Tuesday, July 16, 2013

From Facebook January 1, 2012

Most parents did some stupid stuff when they were young and too ashamed to admit it as they mature. We pray that our kids won't do the same things. Our worry somehow becomes our punishment for our youthful stupitity.

During my daughter's freshman or sophmore year of college she went sking for New Years. We typically talk every morning and evening. New Years Eve was no diff...erent. New Years Day was a different story.

Accurately assuming that she was up late the night before I dismissed not hearing from her in the am. When I didn't get a call in the afternoon I called her as early evening approached. I got no answer.

I called several times and it was now well into the evening and still no answer. Concern turns to worry.

Finally, She calls me. She had an extremely weak voice and she was sobbing. I panicked before she asked "Dad, how long does a hangover last?"

My instinct was to call an ambulance to rescue my baby and make her feel better right damned now but I didn what any good parent would do. I lied. I said "If you drink plenty of Gatorade and water it will only last four or five days."

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