Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday November 11, 2012
This is the best time of day - the dawn
The final cleansing breath unsullied yet
By acrid fume or death's cacaphony
The rank refuse of unchained ambition
But pray, deny me not but know me now
Your faithful retainer stands resolute
To serve his liege lord without recompense
Perchance to fail and perish namelessly
No flag-draped bier or muffled drum to set
The cadence of the final dressed parade
But it was not always thus-remember?
Once you worshipped me and named me a god
In many tongues and made offering lest
I exact too terrible a tribute
Take heed for I am weary, ancient
And decrepit now and my time grows short
There are no honorable frays to join
Only mean death dealt out in dibs and dabs
Or horror unleashed from across oceans
Assail me not with noble policy
For I care not at all for platitude
And surrender such tedious detail
To greater minds than mine and nimbler tongues
Singular in their purpose and resolve
And presuming to speak for every man
Oh, for another time, a distant field
And there's a mortal warriors lonely grave
But duty charges me remain until
The end of last battle of the last war
Until that 'morrow render unto me
That which is mine, my stipend well deserved
The fairest flower of your progeny
Your sons, your daughters, your hopes and your dreams
The cruel consequence of your deceit
Steve Earl                            



November 5, 2012 7:00pm

On Election Eve, if has a Christmas Eve kind of feel. We've spent so much time discussing it, fighting about it, convincing others and following the polls... Is there anyone that I've overlooked? What will be under my tree when I wake up on Wednesday? I know I'm getting a bicycle but will it be the one I wanted. I like the bike I have but and would like some new accessories for it but if if I get the new one I will suck it up and act happy, Either way, I plan to celebrate this holiday.


November 7, 2012 6:00am

I woke up with tears of joy! I ran through the house dancing and shouting until the tears ran down my leg. At my age I should be careful how I celebrate.


November 7, 2012

I had one of my Facebook friends that I debate politics with send me the message: "Your guy won. Congratulations." It feels good to have friends like Julie, who doesn't take this stuff so personal.

November 6, 2012 8pm

 Pat McCrory has apparently won the governors race. This comes as little surprise. He has maintained double digit lead in the polls since day one. He ran a very friendly campaign for most parts. I liked that. I hope that he governs with that same tone.

Walter Daltonn never stood a chance. He is to be commended for taking it on. I think he is a very qualified man that had to step up at the last minute as challenger in a race that was already over.

I watched these two men debate. I'm satisfied that both are qualified. While Mr Dalton was my choice I am prepared to call Mr McCrory Governor.
I was speaking to someone early this morning and was reminded of just how wonderful our planet would be if we only took from it what we need.

Think about it for a moment; Hou much time do we spend working to satify our lust for "things?" ...
How many wars have occured around the world to aquire or keep something? How many deseases would not exist if only we consumed what our bodies need? How much famine would be vanished?

Everything we need is right here. There is plenty for everyone if only we take what we need and learn to want less.

How short would our work week be if we only worked for what we needed instead of what we want. And how much better would the rest of our lives be if we utilized that time for nurturing the important things in our lives.
Perhaps a good exercise would be to write down the things that we have or work for that we really, really need and the things we have or work for that we really don't need. If we do this just maybe we'd realize that we have more than we need and maybe we'd learn to live our lives more simply and much happier.

In this month of Thanksgiving perhaps we should thank God for providing us with so much and beg his forgivness for our greed.
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November 10, 2012

President Obama and the Congress have a huge opportunity on the table. Handled correctly could spark an optimism that we need to get our economy moving.

If pushed to last minute of the last day again, the debt ceiling debate and tax cut expiration will do tremendous harm.

If they get real they could resolve it in the next couple of weeks. Showing a willingness to work together will do more than spending reductions and tax reductions.


For the love of America, what in hell is up with Florida's election system? We're not talking about an incredibly impoverished state here. They have lots of money and owe it to their citizens to have state of the art voting machines. They also owe it to their citizens to avoid the embarrassments they've had in multiple elections.

To add to voter frustration, they had ...
five page ballots with lots of complicated explainations of issues which slowed the voting lines. Some people were in line for up to six hours. This had led to speculation of voter suppression tactics.

Modern technology allows for quick and easy collection of votes and perfect tallys at blinding speeds yet it took Florida five days to tally their election?