Sunday, December 16, 2012


To deny this is to doubt Gods presence. It also admits your own failure as a parent. If you create an atmosphere within your home that embraces your faith that is precisely what your child will carry to school each day. Your child has every right to pray at school. No one can stop them.

We have a complicated task in the United States. One which allows me to practice whichever faith I choose or to practice no faith at all. I choose Christianity. I hope that you will too but I will respect your right as a US citizen to practice any faith you wish so long as it doesn't infringe on others rights.

A school is a place for education. Within the school are many people of different faiths. I don't want a math teacher in a public school praying for my child or teaching religion to my child. That teachers faith may totally contradict our familys faith.

If I insist that public prayer take place in public schools, then I must accept that the prayer may conflict with my beliefs.

It is the separation of church and state that protects my right to be Christian.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

If you only knew the truth
I hear so many people fussing about food stamps and their distaste for those who use them. They post on Facebook "I sure wish I had an I Phone like the lady using the food stamps." This is really just their drama about something they think their fed up with.
Food Stamps aren't paper stamps any longer and one would have to get pretty nosey to actually know that someone was using them in most supermarket settings. They are digital now and look like a credit card. In most settings the card swipes on the same PIN pad that you and I swipe our debit card on.
Nonetheless, you're pissed. You've either seen it first hand or heard about someone buying buying candy, chewing gum or other junk food with food stamps then buying lottery tickets, beer, cigarettes and other stuff with cash. You've got a right to be pissed. But you're probably pissed at the wrong person. If you knew the truth you'd be spitting bullets.
There have been various food stamp programs in history. Every one of them has had good purpose to some degree but even the program's purpose isn't what it's sold as. The programs have all been attached to a farm bill of some sort and has always been a program of the United States Department of Agriculture, whose mission is to promote U.S. agriculture, thus in the early days only nutritious products that were produced in the United States were eligible to be part of the program.
The program first began in 1939 and ended in 1943. A huge 30 million people received stamps then. As a percentage of population that would be much, much higher than the approximately 53 million recipients today. Those were some tough times back then but the great depression had ended and World War II had begun. The war depleted a lot of resources but it also created a lot of jobs, so I am not clear as to why there were so many people on food stamps then.
President Kennedy reintroduced the program as a pilot in 1961. That pilot ended in 1964.
The program again returned in the 1970s. In 1979 there were 20 million recipients.
The Food Stamp Program or SNAP (supplemental nutritional assistance program) has always been sold to promote U.S. Agriculture while promoting good nutrition amongst our impoverished citizens. Sounds well and good but it has gotten ugly and ugly for the wrong reasons.
The lady that you're bitching about didn't change the rules nor did she request changes. Big business got involved. Big business has lots of politicians in its pocket. The program turned into a money grab for big corporations. The impoverished were merely the mule to move the money from government to corporate farms, supermarket chains, food canneries, food processors, soft drink companies, confectioners and corn producers.
On the good side of this scenario it creates jobs. On the bad side the whole thing is a failure because it doesn't promote U.S. agriculture and it actually promotes poor nutrition as it perpetuates poverty. It doesn't have to be this way but it is.

We are all on food stamps to some degree. We may work at a place that makes money from them in some way. Our 401-K investments may be in these corporations that are essentially on welfare by making money directly or indirectly from the program. Not all bad but certainly not good.
There are huge numbers of food stamp recipients that should not qualify for the program. While tough measures should be taken to determine qualifying participants it is more important that we get control of the qualifying products because qualifying the wrong products helps to perpetuate poverty and poor health. It also encourages bogus personal qualification.
As we become angry at the mule that moves our money to the big corporations what's really happening? The program is supposed to provide supplemental nutritional assistance. What in hell is nutritional about a pack of chewing gum, a donut or the other garbage they buy with their card. Even those who attempt to purchase nutritious food by reading the facts chart on the label have a difficult time because the charts are written to deceive. A dill pickle in a pouch has 24% of our daily allowance of sodium. That's high as hell, but when we examine it carefully we learn that we are supposed to share it with 8 people. The damned thing is intended to be consumed by one person but manipulating the facts makes it appear bad not horrible. It actually has 216% of your daily allowance of sodium.
Much of the stuff purchased with food stamps is loaded with sugar, corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup. There are also enormous levels of sodium and carbohydrates. Do you see where this is headed? We are paying to support the worst nutrition imaginable.
The food we pay for will most definitely lead to poor health. Go ahead, Draw the link line from Food stamp program to Medicaid Program. Now, who do you think is going to pay for the poor health? We are.
Who influenced this? Do you have any idea how powerful the Corn Lobby is? Why do you think HFCS is in practically everything we eat? The corn lobby convinced our legislators that the introduction of high fructose corn syrup to our food makes it healthier. That same lobby has gotten it approved to now change the ethanol in gasoline from E-10 to E-15 even though the auto manufacturers say that it will void your warranty (I'll save that rant for another time).
By the year 2037, a staggering 40% of the U.S. population will be diabetic. This ain't no joke y'all. The big corporations don't care. There's a pharmaceutical corporation who will have their hand in our pockets then treating the problems that we paid to create.
Perhaps the lady in front of you at the market should take responsibility. I won't argue with you there but I will create a picture for you: You have a 22 year old single mother of three. Daddy is junkie most days and on a good day he doesn't hold a job. Mom didn't finish school. She's the second or third generation of single parents so her mother didn't finish school either. This family has a long history of making poor decisions. So, we load up a food stamp card with hundreds of dollars on it and expect her to begin making good decisions now? Who's the fool here?
This program should provide good nutritional education. It should be nearly impossible to buy anything but wholesome US produced foods that are high in protien and low in fats. Providing common sense assistance will eventually lead to a better life style, better health and a better culture.
The food stamp program is great for some people but it could be good for every citizen in this country if it were used properly. To do that we have to get corporations out of its mission. We, as good compassionate citizens should be pleased that the program exists but we should insist on very strict product eligibility.
What can we do? We can write our congressional leaders. Their phone numbers, addresses and email aren't difficult to get. Insist that he/she take a stand to make the food stamp program the really great program that it could and should be by assuring its provision of good nutrition to qualifying individuals.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday November 11, 2012
This is the best time of day - the dawn
The final cleansing breath unsullied yet
By acrid fume or death's cacaphony
The rank refuse of unchained ambition
But pray, deny me not but know me now
Your faithful retainer stands resolute
To serve his liege lord without recompense
Perchance to fail and perish namelessly
No flag-draped bier or muffled drum to set
The cadence of the final dressed parade
But it was not always thus-remember?
Once you worshipped me and named me a god
In many tongues and made offering lest
I exact too terrible a tribute
Take heed for I am weary, ancient
And decrepit now and my time grows short
There are no honorable frays to join
Only mean death dealt out in dibs and dabs
Or horror unleashed from across oceans
Assail me not with noble policy
For I care not at all for platitude
And surrender such tedious detail
To greater minds than mine and nimbler tongues
Singular in their purpose and resolve
And presuming to speak for every man
Oh, for another time, a distant field
And there's a mortal warriors lonely grave
But duty charges me remain until
The end of last battle of the last war
Until that 'morrow render unto me
That which is mine, my stipend well deserved
The fairest flower of your progeny
Your sons, your daughters, your hopes and your dreams
The cruel consequence of your deceit
Steve Earl                            



November 5, 2012 7:00pm

On Election Eve, if has a Christmas Eve kind of feel. We've spent so much time discussing it, fighting about it, convincing others and following the polls... Is there anyone that I've overlooked? What will be under my tree when I wake up on Wednesday? I know I'm getting a bicycle but will it be the one I wanted. I like the bike I have but and would like some new accessories for it but if if I get the new one I will suck it up and act happy, Either way, I plan to celebrate this holiday.


November 7, 2012 6:00am

I woke up with tears of joy! I ran through the house dancing and shouting until the tears ran down my leg. At my age I should be careful how I celebrate.


November 7, 2012

I had one of my Facebook friends that I debate politics with send me the message: "Your guy won. Congratulations." It feels good to have friends like Julie, who doesn't take this stuff so personal.

November 6, 2012 8pm

 Pat McCrory has apparently won the governors race. This comes as little surprise. He has maintained double digit lead in the polls since day one. He ran a very friendly campaign for most parts. I liked that. I hope that he governs with that same tone.

Walter Daltonn never stood a chance. He is to be commended for taking it on. I think he is a very qualified man that had to step up at the last minute as challenger in a race that was already over.

I watched these two men debate. I'm satisfied that both are qualified. While Mr Dalton was my choice I am prepared to call Mr McCrory Governor.
I was speaking to someone early this morning and was reminded of just how wonderful our planet would be if we only took from it what we need.

Think about it for a moment; Hou much time do we spend working to satify our lust for "things?" ...
How many wars have occured around the world to aquire or keep something? How many deseases would not exist if only we consumed what our bodies need? How much famine would be vanished?

Everything we need is right here. There is plenty for everyone if only we take what we need and learn to want less.

How short would our work week be if we only worked for what we needed instead of what we want. And how much better would the rest of our lives be if we utilized that time for nurturing the important things in our lives.
Perhaps a good exercise would be to write down the things that we have or work for that we really, really need and the things we have or work for that we really don't need. If we do this just maybe we'd realize that we have more than we need and maybe we'd learn to live our lives more simply and much happier.

In this month of Thanksgiving perhaps we should thank God for providing us with so much and beg his forgivness for our greed.
See More

November 10, 2012

President Obama and the Congress have a huge opportunity on the table. Handled correctly could spark an optimism that we need to get our economy moving.

If pushed to last minute of the last day again, the debt ceiling debate and tax cut expiration will do tremendous harm.

If they get real they could resolve it in the next couple of weeks. Showing a willingness to work together will do more than spending reductions and tax reductions.


For the love of America, what in hell is up with Florida's election system? We're not talking about an incredibly impoverished state here. They have lots of money and owe it to their citizens to have state of the art voting machines. They also owe it to their citizens to avoid the embarrassments they've had in multiple elections.

To add to voter frustration, they had ...
five page ballots with lots of complicated explainations of issues which slowed the voting lines. Some people were in line for up to six hours. This had led to speculation of voter suppression tactics.

Modern technology allows for quick and easy collection of votes and perfect tallys at blinding speeds yet it took Florida five days to tally their election?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Frank Stashio's guest today was Pulitzer prize winner Hedrick Smith. Smith has a new book; "Who Stole The American Dream" in which he describes the middle class as the backbone of any economy.

Throughout history a vibrant middle class has been the economic engine. Our greatest periods of prosperity were when the middle class thrived. Further, the gaps between lesser, middle and upper class were narrow which made dreams acchievable.

In 1914 Henry Ford announced the $5 work day. He wanted his employees to be paid very well. He said that he wanted people to earn enough to be able to affor the Model T Ford that his employees produced. He knew that his own prosperity hinged on that of those below him. This attitude brought about the American Dream where people could work hard and be compensated in a manner that progressively improved their living standards.

The period from the mid 1940s through the mid 1970s were the heyday of the middle class. Productivity was very high as were wages and benefits. Smith describes this as "the virtuous circle" whereby companies pay high wages creating a highly productive workforce with money to spend. This in turn allow the company to invest in more plants and technology, hiring more people which fuels the "virtuous circle of growth" to another round of expansion and higher living standards.

This all worked very well until the mid 1970s. It was during that time that, in my opinion (not Smith's) the corporations become greedy. In spite of record profits they began to squeeze the very people that created the demand for their products.

In the period from the mid 1970s until now middle class productivity has risen a huge 85% while the middle class income has risen only 10%!!! That in itself is enough to evaporate the working class' enthusiasm but it goes much deeper. Income taxes for upper class dropped from 70% to 28% while capital gains taxes dropped from 28% to 20% and now 14%. All the while corporate taxes are at record lows.

These factors has spread the gap, creating huge distances between the classes making one's hopes of moving up less and less likely. Further, the middle class has carried the burden and is shrinking fast. The day is approaching fast where we will only have two classes. Whichever you are born into is where you will remain. Dreams become mere fantasy.

Today's corporate America has no regard for Henry Ford's desire to make the lives of it's employees better. Henry Ford knew that economic prosperity began at the bottom and worked its way up. Without a vibrant working class there will be no upper class. Henry Ford understood that. Today's corporate America doesn't get it. Through arogance and greed, they think that they actually create properity.

Our middle class is all but gone. We must turn it around quickly. When there is no middle class there will be no American Dream. Without such dreams we will meet our demise.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

"Put that junk back" the lady said to her child as she purchased quarts of Old English 800 , Colt 45 and Newport cigarettes. "You don't need none of that shit."
An earlier post got me to thinking about my oldest brother, Horace.

Horace was mentally challenged due to a birth defect. He used a Cushman golf cart to commute the neighborhood. My brother, Donnie and I would often steal it and take it joy riding, sometimes wrecking it and almost always running the battery down. It would really piss Horace off.

In his last days a local dealer sent a brand new

Harley Davidson golf cart to park outside his bedroom window. He didn't know he was dying and would say "I'll be glad when I get well so I can ride my new golf cart."

One Sunday, Donnie and I went to Moms for lunch. It was a chilly March day. We got Horace dressed and took him for the ride of his life on that brand new Harley Davidson golf cart. That thing would fly. We took him throuh the woods and down the same paths that we joy rode his other one. We had an absolute great time.

That was the last time my brother left the house and it may have been the last time he got out of bed. We had a lot of fun that day and I wouldn't trade the experience for a million dollars
HUGE SALE NOW GOING ON: Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!!! The Big 6% off Sale is now in progress. The lines are worth standing in because you will get a whopping 6% (7% on selected items) and get the chance to stick it to the man (tax man). Never mind that the merchants are offering little or no discounts and that an unscrupulous merchant can steal taxes collected by shifting last weeks sales revenue to this weekends big sale event. We could've gotten a 30-40% off sale and felt thrifty but the Stick It To The Tax Man Sale feels almost orgasmic.
According to Bizarre News a Vermont farmer was first arrested for marijuana charges which upset him so much he retaliated against the sheriff's department. Driving his big tractor, he totally destroyed eight sherriff's deputy cars in the parking lot of the sheriff's office, totally crushing some of them. When he finished the deputies didn't have a vehicle to pursue him.

Now, when I was young I observed lots of incredibly in depth experiments with marijuana and none of the experiments resulted into this type of behavior.
Today, the man who murdered seventy people in Norway was deemed competent to understand what he did last year. He was given the maximum sentence of 21 years, which apparently doesn't mean that he will be released in 21 years.

Apparently in Norway a criminal serves his sentence but if it is deemed that he is a threat to society at that time, he will not be released.

I was surprised at the seemingly short sentence. This prompted me to wonder if our system orders sentences which are too long simply to satisfy our own emotions. There are certainly people that my emotions want incarcerated forever and a day but I would not be wise to pretend that our system is working. It is failing tremendously.

In the U.S. we have more prisons that any other industrialized nation and more people in them yet crime continues to grow. What are we doing wrong? Emotional responses do not work.

Perhaps our system is similar to that of illiterate and irrational parents who yell at their children and beat them only to rear children who grow up to abuse their spouses and children. Yet when we watch those that talk to and express love to their children those same children typically are kinder to everyone they encounter and become better parents and spouses.

Maybe our society is criticizing our at risk population too much instead of finding ways to develop character which law abiding and responsible. If we fill a child's ears and heart with positive affirmations they are likely to live up to those high expectations. Are we instead, setting very low expectations? If so, when they end up in jail or court there is no sense of shame or remorse because they may very well be living above the low expectations we have.

Perhaps we should take a good look at other cultures and integrate some of their solutions with our own. What we've been doing isn't working.
Lance Armstrong has had his titles taken away and banned from competition for life. Maybe he was a doper. Maybe he wasn't. I will take him at his word since the very organization that questions him is the same organization that qualified him to compete. They qualified him over and over again. If he was doping their own integrity should be in question.

How does BS

like this come up so long after the competition? When a man has built his livelihood around the celebrity he earned has the very organization that awarded him question his validity, he becomes a victim.

He submitted to drug tests over and over and passed. He can't take one now to prove that he wasn't doping years ago. Sure, they can have someone come forward and claim to have seen him doping, sold him dope, helped him dope, etc, etc. Where the hell were they when it mattered?

Will they recall Super Bowl trophies, heavyweight belts or Winston Cup titles? Was Mark Spitz doping in 1972? Was Bobby Fisher doping when he beat Boris Spasky in chess? Who knows? Who Cares?

Lance Armstrong has been done wrong. He was given the Rope-A-Dope and it wasn't by Mohamed Ali.
My grandparents were in church last Sunday. Grandma leans to Grand Daddy and whispers "I just cut one of those silent farts. What should I do?" Grand Daddy replies "Change the battery in your hearing aid."
Another great story on WUNC today. They revealed that over 40% of the food purchased in the U.S. is thrown away. That is huge! Aside from waste this also causes problems that most of us would not consider.

Having operated restaurants for nearly thirty years I can assure you that my job was to sell as much food as I could. Whether it was consumed or not was not an issue. So long as the rea

son it wasn't eaten wasn't due to the guests not liking it, we were very happy to sell you as much as you were willing to buy.

Our trash cans would contain hundreds of pounds of uneaten food. Other leftovers were put into foam containers for the guests to carry home and put into their own trash can.

In our homes the story is the same if not worse. So much of our supermarket purchases are done without a plan. We fill our cupboards and refrigerators with stuff that sounded interesting only to discard it later.

What about when the date on the container expires. Many of us throw the product away, fearful that it will not be wholesome. The Public Radio International program told that these dates are listed with lots of wiggle room.

Another wasteful practice is buying so many pre-made products. Very often, all the ingredients to create things are already in our fridge or cabinet. Homemade sauces and dressings are easy, inexpensive and typically taste better. Preparing them yourself will also allow you to use up the ingredients before they go bad.

Having encountered financial struggles, I've learned that If I discipline myself I can prepare meals for my wife and me for about $7 a day. That's less than a morning Starbucks and danish. All it takes is a little creativity, a little planning and discipline.

Much of the wasted food ends up in landfills where it creates greenhouse gases. A better way to dispose of lost food is by composting.
We should be impressed by some peoples determination. They try everyday to defeat mathematics, physical sciences , economics and intellectual void. I believe I've figured out this complicated dilemma and I am happy to make it simple for you; YOU CAN NOT PUT A LARGE CUP OF COFFEE INTO A SMALL CUP! Stop Trying.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


After eight years of the Bush/Cheney disaster, now you're mad?

You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a U.S. president.

You didn't get mad when Cheney allow Energy corporate officials to dictate energy policy and lead us to invade Iraq.

You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.

You didn't get mad when we spent $800 BILLION (and counting) on said illegal war.

You didn't get mad when Bush borrowed more money from foreign sources than previous 42 presidents combined.

You didn't get mad when over $10 BILLION in cash disappeared in Iraq.

You didn't get mad when George Bush embraced trade and outsourcing policies that shipped over 6 MILLION jobs out of the U.S.

You didn't get mad when they didn't catch Bin Laden.

You didn't get mad when they didn't find weapons of mass destruction.

You didn't get mad when Bush rang up $10 TRILLION in combined budget and account deficits.

You didn't get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed Hospital.

You didn't get mad when we let a major U.S. city, New Orleans drown.

You didn't get mad when we gave people with more money than they can spend over a $1 TRILLION in tax breaks.

You didn't get mad when we had the worst eight years of job creation in several decades.

You didn't get mad when 200,000 American citizens died with no health insurance.

You didn't get mad when lack of oversight and regulation from the Bush administration caused U.S. citizens to lose $12 TRILLION in investments, retirements and home values.

You've finally gotten mad since Obama was elected and decided that people in the U.S. deserve the right to go to the doctor if they are sick?

Yes, illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, job losses by the millions, stealing tax dollars to make the rich richer and the worst economic disaster since 1929 are okay with you but when it comes to helping American citizens who are sick? Oh, Hell No!!

You're mad at the president about what??

This is edited copy from a post by Floyd Johnson

Saturday, August 11, 2012


My dad's grocery store was in very poor mostly African-American (Colored in those days) community. Only a few homes had plumbing and electricity. It was poorer that poor. Troy Gilmore, an old 'colored' man used to haul trash with a mule and wagon. On Sunday I'd see Mr Troy with the same mule hitched to a buggy as he went to worship.

The community changed over ti...
me. Mr Troy still hauled trash but he had a truck. When he wasn't working he drove a big shiny Chrysler New Yorker. He also owned a row of those old houses on Frederick Ave. The old guy that hauled the garbage was now the landlord.

By then, I had a convenience store at Southern Ave and Gillespie. Mr Troy was a several times a day regular. He once said to me "Boy, do you know why I trade here? Because your daddy treated me like a man when colored people weren't treated like men. I see a lot of him in you and that's why I come here."

As he stepped out of the door he stuck his head back in and said "and I done past by three stores to get here."

So much about Mr Troy's words, ethics and loyalty have been great life lessons for me. A smelly old man hauling garbage and pig slop may be the pillar of the community some day and people never forget how you treat them.

I love people like Mr Troy Gilmore. God bless his soul.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


When I was a kid some kids had stolen a big Butterball turkey from Dallas' Supermarket or the A&P store. I'm not condoning them stealing the turkey but you have to admire their entrepreneurship.

These boys, all of 9 or 10 years old, decided to make money with the stolen turkey. They charged everyone a nickle to enter a contest and the winner got the turkey. To win you had to prove that your pecker was bigger than everyone Else's. (Apparently Larry Flynt grew up in Massey Hill).

It was close to Thanksgiving so I went home told my mother "Momma, I'm going to win you a turkey."

Momma smiled and said "That sure is sweet son. How are you going to win a turkey?"

I said "They're having a contest behind Woody's Cleaners and the boy with the biggest pee-pee wins a turkey."

Momma gasped and yelled "Son, what is wrong with you? I don't want you up there pulling your pants down showing off all your ding-dong!"

I said "Momma, I ain't going to pull it all out. Just enough to win the turkey"

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Something Smells

Early this morning everyone was complaining about the foul odor in the air around town. As always, we explained that it was the dog food plant. I told several to be glad because it smells aromatic compared to what it once was.

Before there were laws and before modern technology corporations built near rivers and emptied contaminated waste water into the river and released contaminants into the a
ir. Part of it was because they didn't know better and more because they knew they could get away with it.

On the banks of the Cape Fear river the Texfi Fayette Finishing Co left an extreme amount of toxic contamination in the ground right next to the river. The contamination will be there forever and a day. It has very likely already seaped into the ground water and into the river. This affects drinking water, wildlife and food sources.

Corporations have won tremendous support from much of our population. People say the workers are overpaid and that business is over regulated. They flock to other countries because they can get away with things they can't get away with here.

Over-regulated? Texfi wasn't the only ones to do irreversible damage here. Do you remember the PCBs that were deliberately disposed of along our roadways? What about the wood preserving plant on the west side of the city? It is on the list of worst polluted spots in the U.S. Your child would still be playing with lead painted toys if someone hadn't said no. They'd be brain damaged but corporations would be more profitable. Statistics show that in many circumstances industry knowingly allowed dangerous products to be sold and allowed our water and air to become contaminated. If being good stewards of Gods earth is over-regulating then so be it.

We need to enthusiastically support corporations who do business in the U.S. but we should have strong oversight to insure that we protect what is on loan from God almighty. Tax them and tax hell out of imports then use that money within our university system for research that our corporations can use to do an even better job while enabling higher education to be better prepared for industrial needs. Everyone would win.